Time: 1400hr-1815hr
Venue: In Front of Home Economics Room
Sec 1 and 2: PE attire with Track Pants
Sec 3: Unit tee with Track Pants
Things to bring:
Sec 1: 1.5 Litre coke bottle(labelled), Writing Materials, A3 Size Drawing Block, Colouring Materials
Sec 2 and 3: 1.5 Litre coke bottle(labelled), Writing Materials
Others: There will be Evacuation Bronze Theory retest for Zhi Cheng, Afrina, Xavern, Calisa, Ying Xuan and Hana
*Attendance is compulsory, do inform any of the YO AND NCO if you are unable to attend training or will be attending late.
** You are still require to attend training even if you do not have any of the above-mentioned item(s).
*** Do pass down the details and be punctual.
Posted by,
SGT Sophia Soh