Thursday, May 17, 2012

Training Details

Date: 18 May 2012
Time: 1400h-1730h
Venue: Fall in in front of the Home Economics Room

Sec 1 and 2- PE Shirt with track pants
Sec 3- Unit tee with track pants
Sec 4 and 5- Unit tee with PE shorts

Things to bring:
Sec 1, 2 and 3- 1.5 litre coke bottle

Sec 1, 2 and 3- Do refer to the post on an World Red Cross Day Activity.
Sec 2- For those that had yet taken the individual photo on the day when we took the CCA photo, do bring your full Red Cross Uniform(tip-top condition) tomorrow. For those without Red Cross Uniform, bring along your full school uniform and a school tie.

*Attendance is compulsory, do inform at least one YO, one NCO and one squad mates if you are unable to attend, will be attending late or will be leaving early*
** You are still require to attend training even if you do not have any of the above mentioned items**
*** Do be punctual and pass down the message***

Posted by,
SGT Sophia Soh